Urgent Prayer Needs


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship Service | Wednesday - AWANA 6 - 7:30PM aDULT bible study 6:15 pm and youth bible study 6:15 pm

Updated march 9@10:45 pm

Jon Greene is in Palliative Care now at RMH.

Karen Greene was discharged this morning. Her echocardiogram was okay. She will need to follow up with some of her doctors.

Robert Mullins had a CT scan Thursday which the pseudo cysts that were drained last week are still smaller than before. However, it also showed one that wasn't there before. There are plans to drain it surgically Monday. He's on HD dialysis now and he is still on the ventilator. 

Julia Parker will have her 6th and last treatment Monday. Then she'll have a CT scan and MRI the 14th and 18th to see where things stand.

Angie Firebaugh's 13th chemo treatment will be Tuesday, March 11. This will start the AC nasty stuff now.  12 of 16 done. She know starts the AC nasty stuff. She'll have 4 rounds, 1 every 2 weeks.

Wayne Deel's recovery from cancer surgery on the right side of his face. His cancer surgery on his left foot will be Monday, March 10.

Nancy Hiner was released from the hospital as it turned out she didn't have a stroke or heart attack. Instead they found her sugar was over 650!

Ann Forbes is in Friendship South now for rehab for her broken tail bone.

Mike Black was in an accident Wednesday and was in horrible back pain. The pain is some better now.

Josephine Martin is home but still not well. She has fluid around her heart, blood pressure issues, back issues and Parkinson's.

David Kibler recovering from bleeding from colon and having clamps put on large polyp causing it.

Janey Woods battling  now to keep the fluid off (from building back) around her heart. She's receiving a special pump with a new medication.   

Teree Caldwell (Nina Nichols' daughter Brenda's daughter) recovery from double pneumonia.

Nancy Frittman battling Parkinson's now. She was approved for short-term disability.

Charlene McKnight...looks like she's going to have to shots now in both eyes.

Lydia and Andy Thompson...Lydia had heart surgery back in December then fell last week and broke her hip but weren't able to do surgery due to her health problems. Andy fell right after she had heart surgery and broke his collar bone. An update prayer praise! Lydia was able to have the hip surgery today and came through it just fine! This is Rachel Jennings' sister and brother-in-law who lives in Spokane, Washington.

Billy Jo and Joseph Watts. Their son Jeffrey (31) was shot and killed last Sunday in Vinton. (Don Wilhelm's cousin)

Brenda Sink's continuing immunotherapy. (Carrie Tolley's mom)

Bud Sarver is having a series of B-12 shots every Thursday. Will have his 12th and final shot Thursday.

Rob Bryant has throat cancer. Thankfully it's contained and he's going through chemo and radiation treatments: Mondays, chemo; Tue-Fri's radiation. (Loretta Bryant's son)

Gene and Cindy Thompson is on palliative care now. He's still taking a weekly infusion in house to build up his strength. And he will still continue to travel to Duke for each 6 month infusion. Cindy has scoliosis now and knee issues. They both need our prayers.

Donnie Noel healing from his fibrosis lung disease and medication he's on now will work.

Hurricane Recovery across 6 states (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee).

California and South Carolina fires disasters and recovery.