

Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship Service | Wednesday - AWANA 6 - 7:30PM aDULT bible study 6:15 pm and youth bible study 6:15 pm

mini seminar wills, trust & probate, tuesday, february 18 at 6 pm

* Lindsey Cole from Coley Law Firm will be here to speak to us about Wills, Trusts and Probate.

* Held in the Doyle Fellowship Hall

build it night, friday, february 21 at 6 pm

* Engage your creativity with a night of building and creativity!

* We'll have a box build, small building activities and a snack.

* We ask at least one adult accompany your child/children for our family events!

75th debt offering

* Our mortgage debt balance now is down to $15,363.

* Any end of year gift you could give toward our 75th Debt Offering campaign will help to pay this down quickly.

* Please note: all tithing and special financial gifts need to be received in the office by Sunday, Dec. 29 for tax credit for 2024.

parenting helps

* Go to our "Resources" tab and scroll down to "Parenting Helps"

* Frequently we will be posting articles that will provide help to our parents in these challenging times.


* This is for Ages 1 - 5th Grade. 

*Snack Supper is at 5:45 pm for those who want to come.


*Our Adult Bible Study starts at 6:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

*Youth Bible Study starts at 6:15 pm in the Youth Hall.  

flo doyle missionary circle monday, February 10 at 6 pm

* This is for ALL women (especially young)!

* Meets in the Doyle Fellowship Hall

Deacons monday, february 10 at 6:30 pm

* Meets in the corner class room past the fellowship hall.


* How? By clicking on the event or Verse of the Day and then sharing it to your Facebook!

* What a great idea for inviting a friend, family member or co-worker to something going on at our church!


* We now have a new look for our web site. Check it out and explore around the top navigation buttons and drop downs! And note: Our site also serves as a Mobile App! You don't download it in the app stores. Instead, go to your browser (Chrome or Samsung or Safari) and put in our website. From there you can find the option in your browser (usually from the upper right side) where you can "add to your home screen." Then you can go to your home screen and open it any time! Further, you DO NOT need to create an account on our website! 

* You can find everything you need: Urgent Prayer Needs, Events, Upcoming News and Announcements, Verse of the Day, Wednesday evening Bible Study Guide, Sermons (Past), Newsletter, Prayer Concerns (given on Sunday's), BibleGateway, Giving button, etc.

* For our online giving, it's really easy to get started. The best way: Go to our website and click on the GIVE button. Then scroll down the page and select Online, "Click to Give" button. This takes you to our Giving Page (which is now with Church Meetings). There you can click the "Create Account" button and it will walk you through setting up your account. You will give them your username (your email). Then you will receive an email with a temporary password to login. Once you log in the 1st time to our new Church App, you can go to More" at the bottom right, select "Settings" and there you can change your password to one you want to use. (Be sure you write it down and put in a safe place in case you ever forget!). While there you can also set up your "Payment Methods." If you choose to use ACH Bank Transfer (echeck), here you put in your bank routing # and your account #. Please note: for security purposes, Church Meetings will do 2 micro-deposits into your account (usually takes 1-2 business days). You should receive an email giving you instructions on how to verify. Once you do verify, you're good to go to start using ACH.

* Once you put in your Payment Methods, they will be there each time you click to GIVE for you to select.

* If you want to set up recurring giving, you can do so from the Giving Page.

* If you have any questions or problems, contact Pastor Mark.

* Another way to set up your giving instead of clicking GIVE from our website, go to either Play Store or Apple Store and download "Church Meetings App." Then search for Hollins Road Baptist Church and follow the screens to put in your username (email), etc.