Urgent Prayer Needs


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship Service | Wednesday - AWANA 6 - 7:30PM aDULT bible study 6:15 pm and youth bible study 6:15 pm

Updated february 20@10 pm

Marion Noel recovering from a embedded cyst being lanced. Got a good report from his PCP today/ 

Julia Parker's 5th treatment went well Monday. She only has 1 more to go in 2 weeks (Monday, March 3). They did have to give her more magnesium and potassium today. Then she has scheduled an MRI to see if the chemo has worked to shrink the spot and can then be surgically removed.

Angie Firebaugh's 11th chemo treatment went well Tuesday. (16 rounds total, 11 down now - one a week for 12 weeks, then 1 every other week to finish the 16 rounds. (The last 4 will be the AC nasty stuff.)

Barbara Wierenga (Wendy Milliron's mom)  Well talk about prayers being answered quickly! Wendy says her mom started feeling better yesterday evening. And she started using her rollator today  and her pain is gone! She sees NP tomorrow and hopefully won't need nighttime sitter anymore! Wendy says everyone's prayers have helped so much!

Robert Mullins. Robert is off everything except a feeding tube now and working with PT and OT to get some of his mobility back and he is making a lot of progress. They are already talking about his need for intensive rehab very soon.

Janey Woods got home from Duke Medical Monday. She can breathe better and is glad to be home. The challenge/battle now is for her doctors to figure out what medication she can take to keep the fluid off (from building back). She goes back Friday to Duke for an appointment with her doctor.

Dennis Joy (Mary Dodge's son-in-law in California) recovering from his stent surgery that went very well. He said he believes of all of our prayers made the difference!

Kathy Firebaugh's recovery from gall bladder surgery.  

Wayne Deel's recovery from cancer surgery on the right side of his face. His cancer surgery on his left foot will be sometime in March now.

Joey Washington home recovering from his hip replacement surgery. 

Diana Woods recovery from basil cell cancer surgery on her neck.

Teree Caldwell (Nina Nichols' daughter Brenda's daughter) recovery from double pneumonia.

Terry Overstreet (Joe and Ruby's son) recovering from major open heart surgery.

Bonnie Perdue recovery from hip replacement surgery. Still having a lot of pain. 

Nancy Frittman battling Parkinson's now. She's applied for short-term disability. Pray for quick approval.

Charlene McKnight found out the laser surgery they did on her right eye did not work. Looks like she's going to have to shots now in both eyes.

Brenda Sink's continuing immunotherapy. (Carrie Tolley's mom)

Bud Sarver is having a series of B-12 shots every Thursday. He had his 8th shot today (12 total).

Rob Bryant has throat cancer. Thankfully it's contained and he's going through chemo and radiation treatments: Mondays, chemo; Tue-Fri's radiation. He's had 2 weeks of treatments and has 5 more weeks to go. (Loretta Bryant's son)

Sergio Salenas Diaz (Pennie Dodge's step-in-law) was taken by ambulance to the RMH hospital Wednesday. He's giving very limited, groggy vocal responses. His blood sugar is sky high. The doctors want to do an MRI. There's indication of a mass on his brain.

Gene and Cindy Thompson is on palliative care now. He's still taking a weekly infusion in house to build up his strength. And he will still continue to travel to Duke for each 6 month infusion. Cindy has scoliosis now and knee issues. They both need our prayers.

Donnie Noel healing from his fibrosis lung disease. He's not having to use his O2 quite as frequently. His PCP put him on a 2 week heart monitor to determine what's causing rapid heart beat at times. It has caused some light headedness at times.

Hurricane Recovery across 6 states (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee).

California Fires disaster and recovery.